Tuesday, November 4, 2008


Benjamin got the concept of trick or treating this year for Halloween and he loved it. Benjamin dressed up as a golfer and Sarah was a pumpkin. We got them both dressed with the intention of taking them trick or treating in the neighborhood and to our church's fall festival. Sarah got dressed up, took some pictures and was ready to go to sleep. She stayed home with Nana and Granddaddy and greeted trick or treaters that came to our house. Benjamin put on his golf outfit and was bouncing off the walls. He was so excited. It was still light outside at 6pm, so we went to church first. He played a bunch of games, but the best part was that he loved going up and down the inflatable slide without Mommy and Daddy. After having lots of fun at church and going down the slide many, many times, we headed home to go trick or treating. We just went to the homes in our neighborhood. Benjamin would not say trick or treat, but he would either point to his pumpkin bag or put it closer to the person at the door. He did always say thank you when someone gave him some candy. He wasn't interested in talking to the neighbors or staying at someone's house too long. He kept saying, "get more candy, get more candy." It was pretty funny.

Benjamin flying down the slide

Benjamin with the pumpkins that Geoff carved

The best picture we could get of them together

Sarah was so cute in her pumpkin outfit

Benjamin up close saying "CHEESE"

1 comment:

The Armen Family said...

Hehe...I love the close-up! They are adorable!

:) Tiff