Saturday, June 21, 2008

Dixon's Water Birthday Party

We had a big morning at a birthday party for Dixon, one of Benjamin's friends. It was a water party that Benjamin enjoyed after he warmed up to everyone. He is definitely a shy little boy. They had a couple of baby pools, a slip 'n slide and a sprinkler ball. Benjamin slid down the slip 'n slide once on his belly and ran down it several times after that. He had much more fun playing with a plastic choo-choo in the splash pool at the end of the slide.
The best part of a birthday party for Benjamin is always the opportunity to "eat cake." He enjoyed Dixon's fish-shaped cake and continues to talk about "eat cake, eat cake." He also hasn't figured out that he isn't supposed to tell the recipient about the presents he got them. As soon as we got there, he told Dixon that he got him "Thomas, Ahn and Peh," which is Benjamin-speak for Thomas and his coaches, Annie and Clarabel. While it's doubtful that Dixon was able to decipher what Benjamin was talking about, we thought it was hilarious.

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